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Internet Platforms

· 4 min read

In 2007, Marc Andreessen—a pioneer of the early internet and creator of Mosaic—shared his thoughts on internet platforms in an article titled Three Kinds of Platforms You Meet on the Internet. He categorized platforms into three distinct levels based on their functionality and the opportunities they offered developers. As we explore these categories, we’ll also examine how the landscape has evolved and consider how Andreessen might frame his ideas today in light of technological advancements and platform economics.

Lessons of History

· 4 min read

History, as Will and Ariel Durant present it, is far more than a series of dates, events, and biographies. It is a living, breathing force that shapes societies, cultures, and civilizations. In their profound and concise book, The Lessons of History, the Durants distill decades of historical study into a philosophical examination of humanity's patterns, struggles, and achievements. This exploration provides timeless insights into the human condition and serves as a compass for navigating our present and future.

Luck Favors the Prepared Mind

· 3 min read

The phrase "luck favors the prepared mind" is often attributed to Louis Pasteur, the brilliant scientist whose groundbreaking discoveries in microbiology reshaped our understanding of the natural world. On the surface, the phrase seems to encapsulate the common idea that preparation increases the likelihood of success. However, a closer examination reveals that it’s more than just a motivational aphorism; it’s a profound insight into the interplay between readiness and serendipity.

The Second-System Effect

· 4 min read

The term "second-system effect" was popularized by Frederick P. Brooks in his seminal work The Mythical Man-Month. It describes a phenomenon where the second iteration of a system, designed by the same creator, tends to be overcomplicated and overly ambitious. This overengineering often leads to bloated designs, missed deadlines, and disappointing results. For developers, designers, and engineers, understanding this concept is crucial to avoiding its traps.

The Art of Doing Science and Engineering

· 4 min read

Richard W. Hamming’s The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn is more than a guide to technical disciplines; it’s a philosophical treatise on how to think effectively and pursue meaningful work. Hamming, known for his groundbreaking contributions to mathematics and computer science, offers insights that blend practical tools with timeless wisdom for anyone striving to make a difference in their field. In this post, I’ve distilled some of the book’s most impactful lessons and tools.

Shannon-Hartley Theorem

· 4 min read

The Shannon-Hartley theorem is a fundamental concept in information theory that describes the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted over a communication channel with a given bandwidth and signal-to-noise ratio. It provides a theoretical limit on the capacity of a communication channel, which is the maximum rate at which information can be transmitted without error.

Deref Coercion in Rust

· 3 min read

Rust's approach to handling types and memory is notably distinct, emphasizing safety and efficiency. One of the key features supporting this is the Deref trait, which facilitates the conversion of references to types, enhancing the flexibility of code through deref coercion. This feature can lead to cleaner, more intuitive code by allowing a type to behave similarly to another type, mainly through the method syntax.

Bounded Rationality

· 3 min read

Bounded rationality is a concept in economics and decision theory that acknowledges the limitations of decision makers in terms of the information they have, their cognitive capabilities, and the finite time they have to make decisions. The term was coined by Herbert A. Simon, an economist and psychologist who noted that while traditional models of decision-making in economics and other fields assumed that individuals acted rationally to maximize their utility, real human behavior often deviates from this ideal due to practical constraints.